
About us


浸信會愛羣社會服務處 (2010年之前名為浸會愛羣社會服務處),由香港浸信會聯會於1978年授權香港浸會大學 (前身為香港浸會學院) 籌辦,並在1982年正式成立。機構初期主要在灣仔區及港島區提供社會服務。經過40多年的發展,服務已遍佈港九新界不同地區。


機構於2009年根據公司條例正式成為獨立法人團體 (擔保有限公司),並獲稅務局按稅務條例批准成為豁免繳稅的慈善機構。

Established in 1982, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS) was founded by Hong Kong Baptist University (formerly known as the Hong Kong Baptist College) under the commission of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong in 1978. We first provide community services in Wan Chai district and Hong Kong Island. With over 40 years of development, we have progressively expanded our social services across various districts in Hong Kong.

We are committed to incorporating Christian belief into professional social work to provide holistic care services and strive to develop innovative services with new ideas. In view of ever-changing needs in society, we provide a wide range of district-based services for infants to elderly, including Integrated Children, Youth and Family Services, Integrated Elderly Services, Integrated Mental Health Services, Training and Employment Service, Clinical Psychological and Counselling Services, Pre-Primary School, Catering, Poverty Alleviation, etc.

In 2009, BOKSS was incorporated under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (a company limited by guarantee) and is one of the tax-exempted charitable institutions under the Inland Revenue Ordinance.



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